Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Green Day!

Here is my extra post this week! I hope you're wearing green today so that you are pinch proof! If not hurry it's still early grab some grass since we have NO snow on the ground. I can't believe it...

I have been put in Activity Day for my Church. That means I get to figure out ideas for 10 and 11 years old that are fun and still teach gospel principles. I have been put with someone that has already been in the calling before and in Young Women's so it's awesome to have that as a resource! We had our first activity last week and had a lot of green fun. Everyone was to dress up in green and learn more about each other . They filled a "ME in a Bag" with items that showed what they like to do and anything else they would like to share. It was awesome to know that I have some of the same interests as them and will be able to use those later in the year.

We also did a game with fun sized candy bars. We had them pick 5 bars and then after told them they would have to share according to what they grabbed.
Twix- Share a trick or a talent
Milky Way- Share a dream or goal
3 Musketeers- Name 2 people you admire and why
M&M's- Share a memorable moment
and Snickers- Share an embarrassing moment

So if you grabbed all snickers you would be giving away a lot of those memories you'd rather not tell....
It was GREAT fun we went one by one sharing. After they shared they could eat that candy bar so added bonus!

I made some green treats that I wanted to check out, found on Pinterest of course!
The drink in the yellow bowl was SO easy and so good, one of the girls was asking for the recipes afterwards. :) It's just 1 qt lime sherbet,2 cans of sprite, and lime concentrate 1/2 cup (I accidentally put the whole thing in but we didn't drink it right away so the sherbert melted a bit to help it taste better and I added a little more sprite to it.) Originally found HERE

The other things didn't make it to a photo shoot since everyone ate them faster than I could take one!
Don't they look so good? Well they are. I didn't do the white over the top but I'm sure that makes them better! :) Go over the sixsisters to get the recipe yourself.

I also printed some printable available for free and I thought you might like them for your collection! For the cups I printed off these at Benign object. It's not just for beer..
I also printed off subway art Todays fabulous find

This was the one I printed but she has others in different color combos.
So much fun! I even had a few Mom's come up to me on Sunday telling me that the girls had a lot of fun! That means sucess! Til next time!

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